Dosevital | Vital Honey : vital honey for men VIP where the strength and hardness and integrated food for young people and the elderly, which delay the ejaculation and maintain the performance of strong and distinct sexual prolonging the period of intercourse and erection , arousing lust and sexual feelings gives self-confidence and desire to repeat activity.
Vital Honey
Ingredients Mountain Honey 96%
Caviar Powder 1.5%
Tongkat Ali Root 1.5%
Cinnamon Powder 1%
Enlargement and expansion of blood vessels thus reducing blood pressure. Cinnamon contains polymers, including methylhydroxycalcone, which works As regulating the levels of sugar in the human body when we eat cinnamon What is obtained in the body is: To replace the process of storing sugar and accumulation to burn and turn it into energy that manages and gives sexual life a boost, strength and vitality.Take one sachet 2 hours before bed time by taking into account the amount of drinking fluids "recommended to be taken after food" . Per Sachet effect continues for a period of not less than 48 hours so it is advisable to avoid eating on a daily basis and in very rare cases the dosage only takes effect in the second day of use, according to the body's reaction. high quality components no side effects Dose Vital Prevents premature ejaculation and maintains a healthy sexual performance. Improves orgasm. Increases sexual desire.